The founder of the project 

The Planeta Sana team is basically made up of me, Edith, the leader of this project, which was born in my head in 2019 …

I have been fortunate to meet people who have helped me from time to time with editing my copywriting or managing my social media accounts. I have also been surrounded by professionals who have guided me in many aspects of this project.

Coming from a family of expatriates, I have followed the same path.

I have lived in France, where I was born, then in Germany, Ireland, and since 2008, in Spain.

Living abroad has been a great asset. It has opened my mind to other cultures and lifestyles.

I am passionate about travelling but above all about landscapes. My grandparents come from the big island of Madagascar, and that’s where I discovered the beauty of biodiversity, be it flora or fauna. Since then, my curiosity has never left me, and I have travelled a lot.

That’s why I have dedicated my professional career to tourism. But very quickly, I realized that our practices were bad for the environment, but not only that.

I understood that the environment has a big impact on our health and well-being, whether physical or emotional.

What struck me the most were the oil spills and the extraction of shale gas.

It was from then on that I wanted to express myself on this topic. I have listened to testimonials from people who have lost their health due to environmental reasons.

My health has also made me much more sensitive and empathetic.

Since I was a child, my health problems have conditioned my life.

In a quest to give meaning to all these difficult experiences, I recently decided to educate those around me.

The Earth will continue to exist, even if humans destroy it.

With global warming, the loss of biodiversity and its consequences, vulnerable people will suffer the most.

That’s why I decided to fight for environmental health, but also for inclusion.

I have trained, I have taken many courses, face-to-face and online, and I have obtained several certifications, in particular on:

  • Climate change (Mac Quarie University, Sydney, Australia)
  • Climate change and health (National Institute of Public Health, Quebec)
  • the environmental standard ISO 14001: 2015 (Barcelona Activa)
  • Sustainable Tourism (Haute Ecole Charlemagne, France Digital University)
  • Circular economy and innovation (Environment & Sustainable Development Virtual University)

All this is in addition to my university degrees in business and tourism.

My passion for writing has led me to create a blog, World Travel Able, in which I write about my travels and offer advice related to health and the environment.

Furthermore, motivated by a desire to put my writing at the service of others, I have taken several courses in the fields of writing for the web and digital marketing.

I have taken face-to-face courses on WordPress, SEO and SEM and community management, as well as online courses on web writing, content marketing, digital marketing and web user experience since 2018.

I have also started as a web editor for several well-known websites such as Terra Incognita or Le Petit Journal, examples of which you can see on my blog.

My professional experience, especially at Preferred Hotels & Resorts, has taught me a lot about brand management and the thoroughness necessary to determine whether an establishment meets the criteria of strict specifications.

I have transferred the skills gained from this experience to the creation of the Planeta Sana brand.

My experience in client management has also led me to be very demanding in terms of quality and long-term goals – and that’s how I want to work with my future clients and partners.

I take my mission seriously and I want to be part of the solution by acting as a leader of change.

On the other hand, I know there is no such thing as perfection, and I want to challenge readers to do their best by following all the recommendations I post by tailoring them to their own lifestyles.

As I explain in our values, balance is one of the pillars of our project.

The purpose of this site is not to teach lessons. Like you, I am learning and most of all I try to come to terms with my own limitations. My wish is to provide you with all the information and resources at my disposal to help you in your own process.

Note: my opinions are personal and do not commit my employers – past or present – or clients, or the newspapers and online media for which I write.


The story of Planeta Sana

The idea of Planeta Sana matured after the creation of World Travel Able, a travel blog that raises awareness about the need to protect our planet and all its living beings as we pursue our curiosity and passion for travel.

From a young age, I have been led to travel due to my very mixed roots (3 continents!). But very quickly, I understood how harmful abusive behaviours were for our health and our planet.

I saw very quickly that when we polluted the soil, animals suffered, and when animals suffered, humans too were affected, because everything is intertwined. We are a whole.

I was made aware of the importance of inclusion because I myself have been marginalized by my visible and invisible differences. The most obvious – ethnic differences – were a source of conflict from an early age.

My invisible differences, resulting from my health problems, meanwhile, have allowed me to develop empathy for people who are in pain. And many diseases are a consequence of the damage done to our environment. Our well-being depends on what we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe.

However, these essential resources are threatened. We lack arable land, and droughts and forest fires lead to the loss of crops and livestock; and we lack water, which is becoming a rare and precious commodity when it should be a common good.

We also lack clean air, especially in our cities, and many people are victims of air pollution.

We can see it, it’s obvious. When our planet is sick, so are we.

She will survive – she saw a lot worse in her early days. But the life that depends on her will not survive.

We see biodiversity disappear, the loss of many species, the pollution of our oceans, the melting ice, the rise in sea levels, the bleaching of coral reefs, deforestation, and all that is just the tip of the iceberg… All of this contributes to the loss of the flora and fauna on which humanity depends for its livelihood.

Vulnerable populations are always the first to be affected, but everyone now realizes that no one is spared. A forest fire will ravage any house on its path, regardless of the owner’s social status. This is what we have to understand today: we are all affected. Even if we are not all affected in the same way, obviously…

Why Planeta Sana?

Just as we are all affected, so all areas of industry are involved: food, textile, transport, leisure, the retail sector… All industries need to change their modus operandi, i.e. the way they operate.

We can no longer continue to eat animals crammed into sheds, abused, antibiotic resistance, virus emergence, soil and water pollution, and water stress.

We can no longer continue to consume excessively and promote waste. We lack resources but at the same time we create fake needs and we pollute by constantly manufacturing new products instead of making the circular economy work.

We definitely need to revisit all of these areas, and luckily, many people have recognised the challenge ahead and decided to get to work to move in the right direction. The direction towards sustainability, long term goals, the protection of the wildlife and the environment, the circular economy, and more generally the spirit of collaboration and sharing.

We therefore hope that all these people, professionals, nomads, travellers – in short, all these social actors, all these eco-citizens, meet on the same platform and exchange their products and services.

We also want to offer our subscribers and readers alternatives.

Because we know that our governments are very often the puppets of oligarchies and multinationals, and even with good will they fail to change things. Too many lobbies threaten them along the way.

I’m not defending them, because if they really wanted to, they could regulate.

But they don’t have the courage to do it. Because they think in the short term: they think of the next elections, nothing more.

Hence the importance of our movement. Together we can make a difference. What we consume, i.e. how we spend our money, has a direct impact on global economic choices.

I therefore want to help you make the right choices, by promoting these professionals who have risked body and soul to set up a business that follows their convictions concerning inclusion, well-being and the environment.

Planeta Sana is also a quality brand that ensures citizens a level of standard that is in line with their moral and environmental convictions. But it is also a lot more.

We also want to promote health and inclusion: help people take care of themselves, promote physical and mental well-being.

Everyone needs this balance to live fully.

Finally, we also want to help all people with invisible illnesses – physical or mental – and / or chronic diseases manage their health in a way that allows them to live with dignity and in harmony with the benefits that nature offers us when it is protected.

The entire world population relies on the protection of nature for their good health, but vulnerable people are all the more affected because they are very sensitive to climate imbalances. We urgently need to show solidarity with the most vulnerable people. 

It is also important to highlight invisible afflictions, such as chronic pain. We must educate about all these diseases and stop stigmatizing people who “don’t look” sick.

It’s hard but we need to divert the trend by raising awareness through information.

We must promote openness and knowledge.

Education is the basis of everything.

This is why I would like to provide you with a wealth of information that will allow you to make yourself aware of health, environmental and climate issues.

Health and well-being are at the heart of our movement. We therefore wish to give you as much advice as possible to best maintain this wealth which depends so much on its environment.

This is why we also want to support you in protecting our planet.

Because a healthy body and mind depend on a healthy planet. This is why we are called Planeta Sana (which means the planet heals, if we take care of it, obviously.)