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If you know a professional, a business, a brand, or a place that shares our philosophy and values, please share it with us!

We look for places that care about people and planet, and who have implemented concrete actions, related to eco-friendly, healthy, and / or inclusive products or services.

It is not necessary to fill in all the fields: only the name of the business, the category and the location (town, city or country if it is an online brand) are mandatory fields.

Note: if the location doesn’t exist, you can create it by typing the name and add a coma ( , ). It will automatically create a new location.

We will review your recommendation and post it here.

Planeta Sana

Nom / Name / Nombre: *
Type / Category / Categoria: *
Localisation / Location / Lugar: *
Spécialité / Tag / Especialidad (optional):
Informations complémentaires / Tell us more / Más información:
Accessible en fauteuil roulant - Wheelchair accessible - Accesible en silla de ruedas:
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Accessibilité minimum entrée et toilettes - Minimum accessibility means entrance and bathrooms - Accesibilidad como mínimo puerta de entrada y baños
Caractéristiques éco-responsables - Eco-friendly actions - Acciones sostenibles:
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Quelles actions durables ont été entreprises ici? Vous pouvez ajouter d'autres options dans la partie description de l'établissement- What is this place doing to be more sustainable? You can add more information in the description field - Qué acciones ha tomado ese lugar para la sostenibilidad. Puede dar más información en la descripción del establecimiento.

Contact Information

Code Postal / Zip Code / Código Postal:
Téléphone / Phone / Teléfono:


Addresse / Adress / Dirección:

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